Sam - September 29, 2016
Ever had problems with slow downloads? Or buffering while watching Netflix? Due to the proliferation of data heavy websites, having an internet connection that offers high download speeds is more important than ever.
While there are plenty of internet service providers, such as Google and Verizon, that offer incredibly quick speeds, Nokia has just made an announcement that could blow them both out of the water.
In a recent report, Nokia announced that it is working on a way to deliver internet speeds at a jaw dropping 1Tbps. They are planning to offer this through a newly developed technique called Probabilistic Constellation Shaping.
Nokia Bell Labs claim to have already achieved these speeds in a real world setting and that its breakthrough will “allow operators and enterprises to improve the distance and capacity of high-speed data transmissions.”
If this technology becomes widely adopted it would be significantly faster than anything else around at the moment. For example, Google Fiber offers 1Gbps data in a limited number of cities, while Verizon Fios offers a service at a still very impressive 500Mbps.
The service Nokia are claiming to have invented would be 1,000 times faster than Google Fiber. This is basically the same as the difference between Verizon Fios and your old dial-up connection.
While no one is sure when or even if Nokia will roll out this product, what is certain is that should they release internet at these speeds, you would have absolutely no problems streaming Netflix.