Do you want the best proxies for watching videos? Read on!
In terms of media content, videos are the most popular because they contain both images and audio. Due to technological advancements, you can now watch videos on any device including smartphones, tablets, PCs, TVs, etc.
However, some of these video streaming platforms enforce geo-restrictions to prevent viewers from other countries from accessing their content. Likewise, streaming video content from a particular platform may be restricted at your workplace, school, or the ISP. But, the good news is that you can bypass such restrictions by using proxies.
So, follow me as I show you the best proxies for watching videos online. Also, I will show you the benefits of using proxies for streaming online video content.
Residential proxies, mobile proxies datacenter proxies are the three types of proxies available. Any of these proxies can unblock streaming platforms in restricted areas, but the best to go for is residential proxies.
The reason why residential proxies are the best is that they use IP addresses from ISPs. The IP addresses are the same as what you would normally use so in every way, it’s as if you’re physically present in the country where the IP address emanates from.
Check out affordable residential proxies you can purchase from ProxyRack:
Private Residential Proxies: Starting from $99.95
Unmetered Residential Proxies: Starting from $80
Premium GEO Residential Proxies: Starting from $14.95
For fast speed, while streaming video content, you can go for datacenter proxies, ProxyRack also offers them at affordable rates. Check them out:
USA Rotating Datacenter Proxies: Starting at $120
Shared Datacenter Proxies: Starting at $49
Mixed Rotating Datacenter Proxies: Starting at $120
Notably, there are several online platforms for watching videos, e.g. YouTube, Vimeo, Metacafe, Dailymotion, Veoh, Crackle, Twitch, etc.
One of the popular video streaming platforms is YouTube, owned by Google, which is the most popular online video sharing platform with over 2 billion monthly users. There are so many videos on YouTube such that it could take you more than 60,000 years of steady watching to finish streaming all its current videos.
With YouTube, you can watch movies, music videos of your favorite music artists, tutorials, documentaries, and so many more. However, YouTube is banned in countries like Syria, China, Iran, amongst others.
Conversely, other video streaming platforms are restricted in some countries. Some of which includes:
Vimeo – Restricted in Indonesia, Cambodia, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, etc.
Metacafe – Restricted in Kazakhstan, Russia, etc
Veoh – Banned in Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, etc.
Twitch – China, Russia, India, Vietnam, etc.
Not to mention, one of the demerits of watching videos online is that some platforms require fast speed to avoid low-quality streaming.
While there’s so much content to watch online, not everyone can access it. There are several countries where some video streaming platforms are banned such as China, Denmark, India, North Korea, Sudan, etc. Residents in these countries can’t view videos online from these platforms.
Also, you might work in an organization or attend a school where watching online videos is prohibited. Any access traced back to your IP address will result in sanctions.
You don’t have to endure all these if you’ve got a proxy. What proxies do is to mask your IP address and let you browse with a different one.
Supposing you’re in China, you can browse with a UK IP address and you’ll be able to access your preferred video platform. If you’re in a company or school where it is prohibited, you can browse anonymously with a proxy, and nothing is traced back to you.
Conversely, you can use proxies with bots and automation tools to increase your uploaded video plays, increase followership, and download video content.
You shouldn’t allow restrictions to prevent you from watching videos on the internet. Simply use the best proxies for watching videos as explained in this article to bypass such restrictions.
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