In this post, we will show you the best proxies for eBay stealth accounts.
You access other eBay accounts not linked to your account from a single device/IP address; you get suspended! You access your account from dynamic or rotating proxies; you get a suspension or a ban! The list goes on.
This post will focus on the eBay stealth account and the advantages of using proxies to create one.
Private residential proxies are the best proxies for creating stealth accounts on eBay. Besides, they can be traced to a real device and a location, thus making it look like you’re accessing eBay using your original IP address.
Meanwhile, do not use free proxies to open stealth accounts. Moreover, eBay has an extensive collection of blacklisted IP addresses worldwide; I am sure you will find your free proxy IP address already blacklisted by eBay.
The good news is that ProxyRack offers premium quality static residential proxies best suited for creating eBay stealth accounts.
Check out ProxyRack’s Private Residential Proxies
A Stealth eBay account is an eBay account created with an alias or false identity that cannot be traced back to the owner.
eBay is committed to make its platform a trusted marketplace where buyers can get goods paid for, and sellers get paid for goods or services. Therefore, it has very strict rules and policies sellers must follow.
Sellers can breach eBay’s policies knowingly or unknowingly. When this happens, the seller gets a ban, which can range from a few weeks to a life ban, depending on the gravity of the violation.
When a seller gets suspended from the eBay marketplace, such a seller cannot open another account because eBay can connect the seller’s new account to the banned account based on the seller’s information stored on eBay’s database.
Therefore, to continue selling on eBay after getting a suspension, sellers have to create a stealth account that cannot be linked to the suspended account by eBay.
You need proxies to open an eBay stealth account with different information so that eBay doesn’t identify you with the account. Proxies are intermediary servers (a computer or network of computers) that let you access web platforms as a different user with a new IP address and geo-location not connected to your original IP address.
When your account gets suspended, you will need another eBay account. However, eBay will link the second account to the suspended account using data such as your IP address, browser cookies, email address, phone numbers, payment information, etc., leading to another eBay ban for the second account.
The goal here is to create an eBay account using proxies and totally different information not traceable to you.
If you have multiple accounts all linked together, and one of your accounts get banned, the rest will get banned. Hence, to keep multiple accounts without getting banned simultaneously, you will need proxies to create multiple stealth accounts with totally different information not linkable to you.
Since eBay bases its ban on IP address, browser cookies, email, and physical address, a ban on your account can also lead to eBay’s banning or suspending other accounts belonging to members of your household if you share the same router, physical address, or other key information.
Thus, using a proxy server to access your eBay account can save you or others in your home from getting banned if one of the accounts in your household is banned on eBay.
When your proxy IP changes multiple times, e.g., your proxy changes for each sale you make or for each login session, eBay can detect that you’re using proxies which is against their policy. This also can fetch you a ban.
Thus, it is ideal to stick to one or two proxies per account to prevent your account from getting banned.
Check out ProxyRack’s Private Residential Proxies
Voila! The best proxies for eBay stealth accounts are private residential proxies.
Proxies ensure you create stealth accounts that cannot be linked to your IP address, browser cookies, and other personally identifiable information.
Thankfully, ProxyRack offers excellent proxies for eBay and other web platforms.
You can reach the ProxyRack support team via our dedicated support line, email, or LiveChat on our website.
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