How it works

Easily earn passive Income

Sign up to our Peer program

Signup is quick and requires your email address.

Download and install the Peer desktop software

Download our software and install it onto your computer. You can remove this later at any time using the uninstaller.

Earn money for every GB of internet bandwidth you share

Track your daily earnings in our dashboard.

Protecting your internet


Track your daily shared bandwidth in our easy-to-use panel.

We provide business proxy services for our customers who require access to residential IPs. By joining our network and becoming a peer we will route web requests through your internet connection allowing our business customers to see localised results based on your geographic area.
Earn income passively

Sell your internet data and earn money

No technical skills required to get started
No Subscription
Quick payouts
We process payouts to PayPal, gift cards or even wire transfers
Easy to remove
You can uninstall and completely remove the peer program
60-second sign up processSign up here